Rabbit, Rabbit!

Insights to keep you hoppin’ .

When I was raising young kids, I would have loved a monthly resource that supported my efforts to stay positive in the face of parenting challenges. Uttering “Rabbit Rabbit” when I awoke on the first day of each month was one way to stay focused on the mindset: “It’s a good day to start a good month.”  That little habit gave me hope and made me feel lighter. These insights can do the same for you! Each post is designed to be enjoyed on three levels - Nibble, Hop, or Burrow - depending on your available time and interest. I share strategies, food for thought, recommended podcasts, and books. Let’s dig in!

Tina Kinard Tina Kinard


“Be the Change You Want to See in Your Home.” Yes, Gandhi said it a bit differently, but the sentiment is the same. With any luck, 2021 will end with us feeling happier and more connected. One way to move us in that direction is to take time, right now, to decide what small steps we want to take to model the attitude and behavior we want to see more regularly in our children.

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Tina Kinard Tina Kinard

Getting Motivated

It’s here: the most unusual holiday season most of us have ever experienced. Gone are the schedule-crunching, but festive, gatherings. How do we replace that manageable/positive stress with something new, energizing, and in some ways better? As parents, we often feel responsible for making the holidays enjoyable for our children. How about including our own happiness in that paradigm? What are you able to do (safely) this year that will bring you joy?

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Tina Kinard Tina Kinard

Teens n’ Screens

November will be extra challenging since as students study at home and feel less connected to life as they once knew it. It is stressful, REALLY stressful. And stress needs an outlet. Unfortunately, the go-to outlet for most of us is screens: phones, social media, video games, YouTube, Twitter, etc. What’s a parent to do?

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Tina Kinard Tina Kinard

Present, Not Perfect

At a recent outdoor gathering with several close girlfriends, distanced by beach chairs and libations of choice, I was struck by two mothers’ admissions of mediocrity. Professionally, they are both badass. But they each expressed doubt around their ability to provide enough creative and stimulating instruction for their young children learning at home.

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Tina Kinard Tina Kinard

Emotional Agility

No feeling is permanent. Seriously. If you try just one new thing this month, try this. Remind yourself and any member of your family who is worrying or struggling that this crummy feeling will not last forever. Why are you worried? Name it. Say it out loud. More words; less tantrums! (Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.)

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Tina Kinard Tina Kinard

Tell me more…

Fully into the fifth month of Covid-19 quarantine, many parents struggle with working from home and being present in the house, but not often available to their children. Here are some ideas. Remember: small changes can make a big difference!

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